Sunday, December 05, 2004

Who Would've Thunk It?

As little as two or three years ago if you had said that one day winter would be my favourite season, I would've booted you out of the room with a good old fashioned Elaine-style "GET OUT!!"

But I gotta say I'm loving this little cold snap we're having. LOVING IT!!! It's not that I'm into winter activities or anything like that . . . I don't skate, ski, snowboard, snowshoe, sled, snowmobile or even make snowmen. In fact I rarely go outside at all in winter -- It's too damn cold!

The thing is that once the temperature stabilizes at a nice below zero figure, my arthritis improves. Yes, my bones feel brittle with the cold . . . but if I stay inside, dress warm, cuddle in blankets, turn up the furnace . . . I only have to endure a few minutes with Nick a few times a day. And the brittleness is not painful really -- it feels like my legs could snap in half at any moment, but it's more a threat than a promise.

The terrible joint-swelling can't-get-out-of-bed crippling pain comes more in the warmer months when the temperature fluctuates frequently and humidity sticks its nose into everything. Now, it's cold . . . REALLY cold . . . and I feel fantastic! Sad but true. Winter has become my best friend, my saviour, my favourite season of all.

Mood: pre-panic mode
Drinking: coffee (brewed not instant) with real cream not the light crap
Listening To: Vertigo, U2
Hair: Think Diana Ross only a bit paler

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