Saturday, February 24, 2007

Move Along

Had a great day yesterday down on the Bay! Drove around with a guy getting the tour, getting the names of contacts. But even if I spoke to nobody else, I've got enough for a story. That's always good. Got back around 4:30 or so and went to supper at the Bull & Lyre. Fulvia had burgers on special so I had to try one. The best burger I've had in a long while! Tres yummy! They'll be on special next Friday too, you should go, try them. I think I'll have to return. Home-made bun, real burger, lettuce, tomatoe, mushrooms, melted cheese, served with a side of chips and coleslaw. Six bucks! Can't beat that! She also had fish chowder on special, two specials every day, but I'm not much for the seafood. Despite having spent the day in Escuminac.

Johnny Newman is playing the blues at the Bull & Lyre next weekend. Perhaps we'll have to go. I think that'd be pretty cool. Still haven't gotten to the new Irish pub in Chatham, O'Donaghue's. Soon! Must go!

I see that the My Mother's Kitchen guys from Chatham Head have moved to around the square Newcastle under a different name Bistro 110 or something like that. Where the Pick of the Vine used to be. Be some good eats there for sure. Put that on the list of places to hit some day soon.

Went to the movies last night. Saw "Ghost Rider." Don't even ask how THAT happened! :-) Needless to say it was hilarious once we realized it was based on a Marvel Comic Book character. You gotta wonder whether all these people were dying to be in this . . . or if they needed to fulfill studio contracts. I suspect the latter. Still, we had a pretty good time. Had worse times. The DaVicni Code comes to mind. This was more fun than that. This one even had some scary jumping moments, and it flowed along quite quickly.

Today my mother might be dropping by. Though right now it is snowing . . . so, maybe she won't come until tomorrow. We need to see about getting curtain rods, a box spring, etc.

Mood: sore from sleeping the wrong way or arthritis or something
Drinking: king cole tea with skim milk
Listening To: had itunes on earlier but . . .
Hair: getting long again

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