Monday, January 22, 2007


So for awhile now I've wanted to do a cleansing fast. It may even be on my list of 101 things to do. I should check. There are some things on that list that I have to scratch off as impossible because they are Sackville related and I won't have another opportunity with the move to Miramichi coming up. So, I have room for replacement items. If a fast isn't already there, I'll slip it in.

I kinda want to do it this week, but I'm a little concerned I won't be able to work if I do that, so I don't know. And I'm reluctant to give up coffee, right now. And there's no fast in the world that includes caffeine, I'm sure. I googled and found out that basically I just need to drink water and juice. There's all kinds of crazy stuff you can mix up to drink, and plans to follow and all that, but I just want something simple. I just want to detoxify my body. You can do a fast just on water (you need to stay hydrated) but if you do it apparently gets unpleasant very quickly and you go into ketosis. Not sure I want that. If you drink a lot of juice in your fast as well, all-natural, not artificially sweetened, the natural sugars in the fruit help bring the toxins out. Which basically means there's a lot of crap happening in the bathroom :-)

Any fasting is supposed to have an undeniable spiritual aspect. It should help me to get centred and focus and understand some things or figure things out or . . . I dunno, I've never done it before. But I'm keen to try. I think shedding some poisons might be a good thing. So, either this week or next. Very soon. I suppose it depends upon when I'm going back to the river. I've said maybe this Friday . . . so that's probably not enough time to do a decent fast, I'd be a wreck by the time I caught the train.

Some people do a fast with the change of every season, others do it once a year, like spring cleaning. The people who do it, swear by it, as a way to detox the body. I'm very curious about it, the difference it might make, how it will make me feel. I mean Jesus did it . . . so there's got to be something to it, right?

Mood: pondering
Drinking: undecided
Listening To: nothing in particular, peace is a blessing
Hair: pulled off my face

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