Monday, June 25, 2007


I'm in recovery from social weekend. I think it was somewhat more tiring because of lack of sunshine. Grey skies zap my energy. I slept late this morning. Even sleeping late involves getting up well before 9am these days, which may never cease to freak me out. I am a morning person! I really truly am!

So we had a good weekend. Drove all over. I give good directions. I'm not too bad of a tour guide. I wish the weather had been better so we could have gotten out of the car more, walked around, explored. Later in the summer there are more tourist things happening than there were this weekend. But nevertheless we had a smashing time! Any time I get to share Disco Pigs is a good one. And I have REAL art to hang on my overwhelmingly bare walls!! Which is tres exciting! I've done nothing but think on the perfect spot since receiving the house warming gift Friday evening. I've narrowed it down to two places. I will sleep on it again I think.

Dreamed of cousins and some sort of big party last night. An exhausting tossing/turning type of sleep, with many wakings, only to return to the dream upon closing my eyes again. Me and my boy cousin S in a group of . . . university students? classmates? I'm not sure. All trying to get to this big party. reunion maybe? or rock concert? My girl cousin S supposed to come pick us up. But we're waiting a very very long time. From early morning to late evening, to darkness. By the time she arrives we've promised rides to others, expecting a car, expecting we can handle three extra besides ourselves. But she comes in a black half-ton truck. And it's raining. And we're going a long way to Fredericton or some place. So piling people on back isn't an option. She seems . . . distraught or something. Bothered is probably the better word. She's bothered by something and impatient, wanting to leave without allowing us to explain and apologize to the people we've promised rides to. Anxious! That's the best word. She's anxious. And this causes me and him to be concerned. We get into the cab and she pulls out before I've even closed the door tightly. And he asks what's up . . . and then my phone rings and I lose the dream. I try to go back later, but it's morning and I can't get there, I need to get up.

And I wonder if anybody is anxious today. Or maybe it is me. Maybe I should email somebody and say hey.

Mood: almost awake
Drinking: water
Listening To: the washer's agitation
Hair: so frigging greasy!! what is up with that anyway?!

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