Monday, August 20, 2007

The Surreal Life

Slept late, til just after 10. Last night some strange combination of complete exhaustion, Sunday Night Anxiety, joy and excitement at being home took hold and had me bouncing off the walls and ceilings until nearly 5am. A little knackered today, but trying to get on track, get organized and get stuff done. Somebody mowed the lawn at the house next door. FINALLY! Remember the puppy who used to live there? Remember when he moved away? Like ages ago! Yeah, lawn hasn't been mowed since then, until late last week. It was like a field, small trees coming up, grass to your thighs, weeds growing willy nilly, looks much better now.

The skin continues to peel off my arms from the super bad sunburn I got on the long weekend at the family reunion. It's kinda gross. I also think the kitty scratches on the palm of my hand are going to permanently scar, kinda sorta looks that way. A new life line! There are a couple on my arm that may leave scarring too, but maybe it just hasn't been long enough for them to go away completely yet.

Today I need to clean up my inbox, plan my week, do laundry, tidy up my bedroom and put on my fuzzy sheets (because I'm still cold!), edit a bunch of stories, determine what I need for groceries, take a shower, and maybe go to the store. I also need to catch up on last night's BB8. Yesterday I watched the Season Premiere of Weeds. Yay! I've also started watching Heroes. I'm only on the third episode but I'm liking it so far. Lets hear it for high-speed! :-)

Oh well, not getting anything done this way, am I? And she's off!

Mood: chipper
Drinking: coffee, fresh ground, organic, fair trade, french roast, black
Listening To: fish (probably trout) sizzling in a fry pan on a hot plate on the patio next to the one below me
Hair: pulled back out of the way


Anonymous said... perhaps you were not ignoring me today when I ran your doorbell? You were out for groceries....too bad....I was stopping by to see if you wanted a drive somewhere.....but I suppose a good walk never hurt anyone did it?

cleanspirit said...

Permanent kitty scars? Oh boy... Misty says she's sorry. I heard the palm of your hand isn't supposed to scar. I burned mine before really bad on a stove burner and it didn't scar. So maybe there's hope yet.

Simply Kel said...

I'm sure she's sorry . . . NOT! :-) It's ok if it's permanent, I'm not upset by scars. Remember when I burned the pad of my finger? I showed you the big blister recently. Anyway, the blister bust and the finger healed, except now I have a lessened sense of touch on that fingertip. It's really weird. Feels like there's something over the tip of my finger.