Monday, October 15, 2007


i'm a little manic lately. well, maybe i'm not, but i feel kinda manic, wound up, head aching from thoughts flying so fast. two weeks ago i started using my day planner again. i buy these planners, every year, and i use them to keep notes, phone numbers, addresses, important website links, that kind of stuff mostly. occasionally i have a day here and there where i make a to do list, but i never seem to get to the part where i actually cross stuff off the list. i've had better success with electronic day planners, but haven't found one that stuck. and having seen the devastation of losing all the electronic stuff anyway, i'm not sold on keeping stuff in the air anymore anyway. but two weeks ago i made a to do list on a day and i crossed off about 90% by day's end and made a new list for the next day and i've been doing that every day ever since. it makes me feel manic. to cross things off. to get things done. to be blazing through, all alert like. maybe this is just normal business as usual stuff for the rest of the world. but it feels weird for me to know what happens tomorrow, what happens next, and to have a plan.

Mood: pondering
Drinking: i had some diet pepsi earlier
Listening To: the fridge humming
Hair: i'm dying to chop with abandon

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