Thursday, October 12, 2006

Partially Recovered

So yesterday was kinda a bust. Scratchy throat, stuffed up nose, major sinus headache, mental exhaustion, sleep deprivation. Not pretty. Yes, some stuff got done, I got up at 5am for christ's sake! But I was a zombie by about 2pm, so there you go. I cancelled out on my writers' group. I ate soup! I NEVER eat soup. And I added more soup to my grocery list. So you gotta know I was feeling poorly. Again I was asleep before midnight (just, but still) and this morning there were no alarms, no urgency to arise and finish something (well, there is an urgency, but I gave myself the freedom to listen to my body today) so I stayed in bed until I absolutely could not hold my water any longer. 10am. Normal. Thank you Jesus! I feel somewhat better. Partially recovered.

I want scones. I have no ingredients to make them. I have no recipe. Someone send me a recipe. My shopping list includes alpha-ghetti (I heat it to the boiling point, pepper it black, then enjoy with tears streaming. I only have it when I'm sick, thus it's been years since I've indulged. Good for what ails ya!). The liquor store seasonal liquidation sale starts today, great deals on all summer and discontinued stock. Much red wine on the list. Now, if only I could get a little break in the rain, I'd go out and get some wine and alpha-ghetti :-D

Mood: better
Drinking: coffee, water
Listening To: Lets Get It Started, Black Eyed Peas
Hair: have razor, will trim

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