Monday, March 26, 2007

Round & Round

Had a good weekend with the kids. They were pretty well behaved. Little fighting, nothing much. Overall they're quiet, no running around and so on, content to play cards at the table, watch movies in the bedroom, and play video games on the computer. The Missus won all my pennies in BlackJack. Her tarot reading showed mostly cups and a couple pentacles, so it's all about the love and money with her, lol. I told the Pumpkin that if her mommy gets a computer I think it would be wise to limit her time on it, because she gets away. She agreed. She does get carried away. They didn't want to go home. But that's better than being lonesome the whole time I guess. Next I must try to get the other set of kids to come for a visit. It's more challenging with them, because I have to get the routine down. And of course there are three of them, which makes them naturally more to handle. Need to have a better plan when they come, activities and things. But it'll be good! Fun stuff!

It was a good weekend for loot. Got a boxspring for my bed, courtesy of my mother who couldn't stand to have me sleeping on a mattress on the floor. So now I'm up wicked high, the highest ever, because in sackville I didn't have a bed frame, but I have one here. And my sister got a new bed, so I have her old one for my spare room. So BAM! I've gone from a mattress on the floor to two full beds! Cool. My mother also sent groceries. I keep telling her she doesn't need to. I'm not starving. But that's my mother. She said she just sent stuff from her cupboard that they weren't eating. And yes, some of it, obviously is that, but a loaf of pumpernickel bread and a bag of romaine salad? Methinks not! I also got two end tables for my living room and a lamp from my brother-in-law's parents. Their house burned down last weekend. These things were salvaged from the fire. They don't smell smoky or anything. I put the lamp in my bedroom so I can read in there at night. The lamp makes the room very cozy.

So, lots of things coming my way! Drawing in all kinds of good stuff. This is good. I start this week with some optimism.

Mood: well
Drinking: russian tea
Listening To: water running in the pipes
Hair: new conditioner coming soon to a shower near you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're starting to get out of the "Valley" you were in.