Tuesday, November 20, 2007

BodySnatchers & Stuff

Speaking of remakes of movies . . . What if a filmmaker decided to remake you? Your life? Would you be cool with that? And while they were the new improved you, who would you be? . . . Speaking of remaking . . . Would you rather be body snatched or kill yourself? This is what Kevin and Scott are talking about on Smodcast right now. I am laughing my ass off. Laughter is good.

If Kevin Smith wants to remake my life. I'm in! That would be freaking hilarious.

I feel slightly better today. Human again, almost. Time to get back to work.

Mood: giggly
Drinking: coffee (instant! I KNOW!!)
Listening To: smodcast 37: In a Row??
Hair: in a daring move, I chopped off a bunch of my hair, ALL BY MYSELF!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

So....what's your hair look like??