Monday, November 07, 2005

Kellie Needs . . .

From Andrea, this Google game is kinda fun. Just google your name plus needs to see what YOU need. Some of my results:

Kellie needs a few acting lessons
Kellie needs to find enough time to work on her PhD
Kellie needs to finalize and get approval for a “motion for summary judgment”
Kellie is a little anaemic and they will decide on Tuesday if she needs a bag of blood
Kellie needs her infusion of magnesium
Kellie needs help!
Kellie needs a 1 st period teacher aid
Kellie needs to be on AIM more often
Kellie needs to be examined closely
Kellie needs to learn how to spell cousin
Kellie Needs a Good Home!
Kellie needs to step up to the plate and come out from the shadows
Kellie needs a sympathy card
Kellie needs to lighten up
Kellie needs a bike
Kellie needs to shut the **** up
Kellie needs our prayer support and the police need wisdom
Kellie needs to go to the doctor obsessed
Kellie needs long words!
Kellie needs your advice
kellie needs a new spoon
Kellie needs to put a foot in the 21st century
Kellie needs to get on with her life, the sooner, the better.
Kellie needs to be careful who she refers to as ignorant

And my favourite . . .

Kellie needs to lay off The cheap crack

What do you need?


Kel & LJ said...

its quite funny i got sent an email to do this trick a few minutes ago and the first link was yours... my name is also kellie so when i did kellie 'needs' your blog came up with the posting about this trick!

Anonymous said...

hey thats funny the same just happened to me! I'm kellie also! hehe except my others down the list said I needed thats true, my hubby doesnt give me enough lol... cool trick! :-)

Simply Kel said...

hah! funny.

Anonymous said...

Well..i think this is cool..cuz i agree with pretty much all of that...its actualy kinda freaks how close it is to my life

Kellie Walters said...

Yup, I tried the same thing and this blog was the first link!

Anonymous said...

OK, funny...I am also Kellie...Never noticed this way to be a popular spelling of it though....actually, very few spelled with "ie".....anyway, like all of you...I did the same trick & came up with this blog...pretty funny...

Anonymous said...

wow, nice to know there's a bunch of other kellie's out there!
this made me laugh, pretty funny!

Anonymous said...

hahahaha i just did the same thing!!! this is greeat

Anonymous said...

Hi from another Kellie! I just did the same thing and your blog came up first. I do need a lot of those things ... funny!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing all the work for me! LOL. :D

Anonymous said...

Hi from another Kellie...from North Dakota!

Kellie Hodge said...

And I thought I was unique! Same trick as everyone else.

Kellie from London

kellie said...

wow i've never met anyone else called kelly, never mind with the 'ie'
aha i did the same thing and got this posting
kellie in shropshire :)

Unknown said...

Hi from Kellie in New Orleans.