Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Something New

Went to the Save-Easy yesterday and had a look around. Now is the time to stock up on peppers! I'm totally going to get a bunch and freeze them for stir-frys. The Save-Easy's "vegetarian" products selection is not very big, but it exists, which is good. I bought a litre of soy milk. There were many different flavours, but I just got plain, for coffee whitening etc. I poured some into a glass when I came home and tried it . . . it's NOT milk! That's for sure! A tad bit . . . chalky? But I've never been a big milk drinker anyway, so it won't matter. I could probably tolerate it on cereal. I had some in tea later and it was fine. Tomorrow when I go to the cafe for a meeting I'm going to try a soy latte or cappuccino to see how that goes.

I've been craving pizza, so I bought a vegetarian one and enjoyed it when I got home. Other than the usual veggies and nachos and an absence of meat, that was pretty much it. Oh, except for the ice cream. It's not real ice cream. It's some sort of tofu frozen chocolate pop. The texture is more like a pudding pop and it's got a hint of mint flavour, but surprisingly not at all hideous. I kinda like them. The bonus is they are only 30 calories each and a great balance of carbs and protein, 9 grams of one, 10 of the other, or something similar. And because of the protein, these little treats really fill you up.

Vegetarians don't actually give up dairy (vegans do) so my goal is not to go completely dairyless (because damn! I love cheese!) but to make more choices that include less dairy. For now, I'm just going to cut back on meat and try some different things (like tofu). I have to say that leaving the grocery store with the knowledge that no chickens had been chocked full of poison in order to live and die quickly so that I might have supper was a pretty good feeling. According to the Peta website by switching to a vegetarian diet, I can save more than 100 animals a year. But that's a very small factor in my reasoning behind this experiment, like I've said, I grew up in a hunting community. I'm all about the health benefits. And they do seem to be considerable.

Mood: pretty good
Drinking: coffee (with the last of the real cream)
Listening To: When You Were Young, The Killers
Hair: interesting


Anonymous said...

Oh God, now you got me wanting to watch that damn PETA movie...that's what turned Les you know. I want to...but I can't do it...I have wings in the fridge ready to cook for supper.

Simply Kel said...

I too have meat in the fridge. Haven't watched the Peta video myself. I know it turned Les, know it'll turn me for sure, but am so not ready to go there yet.