Friday, May 20, 2005

The Last Day

We're down to the wire here . . . my move looms. I am not packed. I'm a bit sad about leaving Nick. Melancholy. I suspect I won't sleep tonight. Haven't really been sleeping much anyway these past weeks. Had a great little visit with Carol last night, then late supper with Stacy at Burke's. It's been a week of lasts -- last blizzard, last fish 'n chip, last lunch . . . and now the last day. I'll never live here again. And by here I do mean the area as much as I mean the house. I'm moving on.

I don't know how long it will take to get set-up with Internet and stuff. As soon as I get on my feet I'll email my new address details to everyone (well friends and family anyway, strangers will have to track me down on their own, hire a P.I. or something)

Later! I'm off to find my life.

Mood: Numb
Drinking: Tea . . . there will be wine this evening
Listening To: Your Life is Now, John Mellencamp
Hair: Ponied Up


Anonymous said...

bonne chance kellie girl! i'm sure you'll do great.
- t

p.s. no LAST deep fried weiner dinner???

Anonymous said...

Hey.Hope you are doing okay.Looking forward to reading your blog.Your friend C.

Simply Kel said...

You'll be happy to know the deep fried wiener dinners will continue . . . no last one -- EVER! You can take the girl away from her wieners, but you can't take the wieners away from the girl . . . or something like that. I think it's an east coast thing in general, not just specific to Miramichi . . . maybe?