Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Fantab Weekend

Yesterday I was too brain dead to tell you about my great weekend visit with Trish. We had a fantab time! (Well, I did anyway, I guess I shouldn't assume to speak for her.) She arrived via train on Saturday afternoon and our first order of business was to walk out the TCH way, where we had coffee and a snack at Tim Horton's before heading to the Co-Op and liquor store for refreshments. As we were about to head back to my place the weather broke and it started to pour rain. Without any umbrellas and not wanting to get completely soaked, we opted for a cab, and then spent the rest of the afternoon gabbing over chocolate martinis and cosmos.

We decided to go to The Olive Branch for dinner, where I was disappointed to learn they had taken the hungarian meatballs off the menu. The chicken stir-fry was very good, but the cheesecake! THE CHEESECAKE! Oh boy! The cheesecake needs to happen again, soon, and often. We just walked around a little after dinner, stopping into the video store where Trish got her brother a Trailer Park Boys tee for his birthday. Then back to my place for wine and more gabbing followed by a rather impromptu showing of one of my boy's films (the one with the poo) and then off to bed. I was pretty tired, having slept so little all week and up early that morning to put my house in order before she arrived. Plus there really didn't seem to be much going on about town that night, other than a wedding at the Curling Club. We discussed crashing, but I don't know that we could pull an Owen and Vince in such a small community.

Sunday we walked out to the market they have at the civic centre, which was quite disappointing. Only two tables! Must be lagging because of summer. The German guy was there, but I didn't buy anything. Then we walked a bit around the Waterfowl Park, just enough to say we'd been really, though we did see ducks. We went to the swan pond next, where one swan was sleeping of course and the other was more interested in eating than paying any attention to us. The ducks followed us around hopefully, but we didn't have any food for them. From there we tried to get in the Mount A Chapel, but it was locked, so we settled for a walk around the outside and headed to Owen's Art Gallery. The cool retro celebrity pics were gone and the upstairs was closed to set up the next exhibit, but still the salon hanging is always impressive. By then I was starving. We went to Mel's for cheeseburgers, fries and the milkshake. Then crossed the street to have our first gelato at the cafe. Scrum! And by then it was pretty much time to collect her stuff and get to the train station.

We got there pretty early, the walk over took less time than I anticipated. On the walk back I took a different route that took much more time and many more hills. The workout of it all! Overall, it was a great little visit. I think she'll be back to see me again this summer, when more stuff is happening. I'll certainly look forward to it.

But now, the time I allotted myself to blog is over, so I'm outta here!

Mood: a little sleepy
Drinking: coffee
Listening To: going to work traffic
Hair: just woke up, sticking out all over, never been combed, mussed, bed head

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trish will answer for Trish...she had an awesome time. Can't wait to come back again to Casa de Kellie. Loved it!!!!! Thanks for everything.