Thursday, February 21, 2008

Long Road to Ruin

Oh boy! I think I'm taking sick again. The pain in my back/lungs has returned and I'm starting to hack the blood tasting cough. This explains feeling a little off today maybe. A little less energetic than other days this week. Of course, don't I always get a little sick just before I go up home? What the frig is up with that?

Tonight I just want to curl up and have someone rub my back :-( Wile E. Coyote, not so great at back rubs, unfortunately.

Tomorrow night is dinner theatre at the rec. Gary's picking me up right after work and then we have to hightail it straight there because the thing begins at 6pm, not 7 like I thought. And I've got an interview tomorrow afternoon to get in and done before I leave. Plus there's packing not just for a "normal" weekend but an Oscar weekend. And I've got to get myself presentable for the evening. There are some things I need to not forget to pack. I've already made a list.

But Saturday I can just lay around and sleep and watch the six hours of Corrie I've got on dvd. I'm looking forward to that. Especially right now, when all I want is to cuddle up in bed and get a back rub :-(

Mood: sickish
Drinking: water
Listening To: i don't care anymore, genesis
Hair: just boring

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