Thursday, April 27, 2006

Another Weekend Coming On

I have to get up mega early in the morning. Blah. So much to do before catching the 10:30 bus to Moncton. I'm taking Austin Clarke's writing workshop at Frye Festival. I wanted to do more, but hey, it is what it is and I'm glad. Stacy will meet me later and we'll have supper at one of our favourite restaurants and then come to my place. Saturday we're going to the Giant Flea Market and then into Moncton for a Wellness Expo. I might go to a book launch on Saturday too, depending. Think I'll be taking the bus home and Stacy will be going to Miramichi at the end of the day.

Meeting with the landlord at 9am tomorrow to renew lease with slight rent increase. One of the boys is staying most of the summer. He's a quiet one. You'd never know he was in the house. The others will be back in the fall I'm told. I don't mind. I missed the boy on the other side of my bedroom wall as soon as he left. It's just too quiet here without them.

Mood: sleepy
Drinking: orange pekoe and water
Listening To: washer wailing out another load
Hair: someone give me kids so i can be a soccer mom

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