Saturday, March 29, 2008

Dreams . . . Dreams, Dreams, Dreams

Holy cow! Talk about some crazy and terrible dreams going on last night!

I dreamed one of my co-workers died. Yeah. It was terrible. I went to a Christmas type party and he wasn't there and then I found out he had been killed in an accident. So the rest of the crew were just wandering around listlessly, drinking way too much wine, and trying not to fall apart. We were going party to party at these camps up Cain's River or someplace. It was very weird.

Then I dreamed we had our Thursday night event for WFNB and nobody showed up. I mean NOBODY! There was me and Sherry and Bernie. No audience. No readers. No Heritage Players cast . . . sheesh! I guess I'm a little nervous about Thursday night, huh?

So this morning Stacy is picking me up and we're heading to the Farmer's Market for breakfast with T, then off to the office to proof BnM (I already did!), print until we get a copy we love, then start mass production. Fabulous!

Mood: chipper
Drinking: coffee
Listening To: perking percolator
Hair: still needing some tlc . . . soon

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