Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Roughing it in the Bush

Oh Mrs. Moodie! I've never been able to finish your book . . . and now I think I know why. I don't find your "roughing it" experience to be all that exciting because it's just old hat around these parts.

This morning as Nick and I trekked about the yard looking for the best bushes to pee on and poop under, I noticed garbage strung from one end of the upper driveway to the other and all down into the ditch. Closer inspection revealed that the back end of the garbage bin had been ripped out. Yes, a bear pigged out on our garbage sometime during the night. (Really, who could resist Jen's bacon grease?) The way the boards were laying there ripped in two it kind of looked as if the beast had just swatted it with his big ass paw and sliced through the wood like a sword through tissue. So now I'm REALLY afraid to take Nick out after dark, which seems to only make him want to go out more and see what the hell I'm trying to keep from him. It's a Catch-22.

When we went out to supper and the movies on the weekend, Cindy told me her parents had a bear come onto their deck and right up to the patio doors where he licked the window. They live in the Plaster Rock area where apparently they've been having a really bad time with bears into everything, stealing stuff from people's fridges and freezers on their porches.

Stacy is going on bear safari this weekend in Rogersville area. Apparently, they've got it set up so that anywhere from 25-35 bears will come out and feed all at the same time while you watch and take pictures from a treehouse type thing 20 feet above them. That is SO not for me! It's like tempting fate isn't it? Isn't that the part of the movie where the audience starts screaming, "Don't go up in that tree, idiot! The bears will get you!" And then they groan and shake their heads when the character does it anyway. I suppose it'll be a thrill. She'll get some scary pictures. I'm just way too chicken . . . dump trauma from when I was a kid I think.

Mood: All fogged in
Drinking: hot chocolate spiked with brandy
Listening To: The Pretenders, Brass In Pocket on Virgin Classic Rock Radio live from the U.K.
Hair: getting blonder by the day . . . and fuzzy?! What's up with that?

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