Wednesday, October 13, 2004

What a Day!

My sinus infection was nearly the death of me today. I've been feverish all day, practically falling asleep in my chair as I tried to get stuff done. I do have this to show for my efforts, but the finishing touches that I anticipated taking an hour or so took about 10 hours in my drugged (and quite possibly drunken) position.

Strange dreams last night of love with a professor . . . my professor. I had gone back to school. The guy was actually a prof I had many years ago (he's probably dead by now, but hadn't aged a day in the dream). I can't even remember that professor's name now and I took several of his philosophy classes because I enjoyed him so much at the time. Pity.

Although in the dream I seemed to be more interested (quite smitten actually) by his huge trust fund than his charming good looks and warm smile. Could it be I'm subconsciously worried about all the money I've been spending lately on trips, books, shoes and dvds?

Mood: fuzzy around the edges
Drinking: brandy
Listening To: my throbbing sinuses
Hair: is that a bit of grey?

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