Monday, May 21, 2007

Back Again

I've returned from spending time with family this weekend. Got to see my dog, my kids, my parents, sisters and brothers-in-law. It was good, despite me being sick. I got a wok and a new pair of exercise/walking pants at the Yard Sale. J&J raised a whopping $1,000 for the JDRF walk on June 3rd!! Which is fabulous! Still time to sponsor me, if you haven't already (thanks, by the way!), here's the link again, click here. My new personal goal is $200. Maybe this is doable.

In other news, I weighed myself this morning (I'm weighing in once a week, not that the numbers really mean shit to me, but it's less time consuming than measuring [yes, i know i should do both] and apparently getting real is the way to go) and I lost another five pounds. This means I've officially lost the 10 pounds I gained when I moved home. I'm back to normal again. This is good. I feel much better, much more like myself, finally it feels like my life is back. Thank the goddess!

This despite being really sick still. I crawled into bed last night around 7 after tossing back a couple of Dristan intending to watch Strange Brew followed by Bob and Doug's 2-4 Special, but was snoozing before 7:30 and never kicked until 9 this morning. Yeah, I slept 14 hours!! That is sickness, my friend. I have a lingering headache and coma brain today.

For dinner tonight I'm roasting a turkey breast, baking a potato and having some peas and carrots plus I'm thinking some spinach, because I'm low on fiber and iron today. I think spinach has iron. I'll check. Find some veggie with iron and consume. Turkey is really high in sodium! Who knew?! I'm learning so much about nutrition.

Mood: somewhat steely like the lingering grey fog
Drinking: water
Listening To: how do i get it right, sass jordan
Hair: beyond greasy


Jennifer said...

Thanks for helping with the sale....and for the wine. :)

Simply Kel said...

absolutely no problem. it was my pleasure. i should have done more with the sale, but you know, those things are not my thing in any shape or form, lol, i may have driven people away with my hateful behaviour :-)

Anonymous said...

Another 5 lbs! Way to go!