Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Sign of the Times

Outside this morning with Nick I noticed some huge toadstools. And I mean HUGE!! Like I expected Papa Smurf to run out from the garden and shake a big stick at me.

I can't ever remember seeing this many mushrooms and things growing around the dooryard. It's just the last couple of years that I've started noticing this, but this year has been by far the worse. They're popping up everywhere! All over the lawns, in the bushes, the ditches, even on the gravel of the driveway where you wouldn't expect anything to sprout.

I think this is a sign of the times, the effect of all our soggy weather. I mean how many really hot and sunny nice days have we had this year? I think I remember two . . . maybe three. The effects of this destroying the environment thing should soon be obvious to everyone shouldn't it? All the knuckleheads running the countries around the world can't ignore all the changing weather patterns much longer can they? Alberta had snow this past week . . . SNOW! Think about it.

Mood: Puzzled
Drinking: bottom of the barrel boiled to death orange pekoe tea with milk
Listening To: the steady hum of machinery outside my window
Hair: Hopeless!!

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