Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Sluggish start to this overcast snow threatening day. Sinuses plugged solid. Sinus headache resulting. Yay! I'll fix that with lots of garlic and hot peppers later. It's salsa day!

So the date for my high school reunion got finalized and it's not a very good one for me. It's the same weekend as the Rock 'n Roll Festival and some new festival they're starting in Blackville that is supposed to have a Bread 'n Molasses contest that I'm to be involved with (at what level, remains to be seen). So, now I've got to be in three places at the same time. Can she do it? She will give it a go. Hey Blackcat, you should come with me to the Saturday night gathering as it's opened up to other grads who graduated from bhs within a few years before and after us. Could be interesting. A thought anyway.

I am supposed to be going to my mom's for the weekend, to help with the walk fundraising yard sale, so I guess I'd best be getting some work done now.

Mood: all fogged in
Drinking: coffee, fresh ground myself, cream, water
Listening To: brian tracy earlier
Hair: needing some help

1 comment:

Blackcat35 said...

Well I'll have to think about that.It could be fun.