Saturday, October 29, 2005

Hair Again

Yesterday I bought hats. Hats again. Has it been a month since I bought the last three hats? I think not. What is up with this sudden hat fetish? I keep buying 'em, though I've yet to wear any out in public. Yesterday's hats are really cute though, for winter (I also bought a scarf . . . or two). So when I tried the hats on in the store my hair was up in a ponytail. I get home and try them on with my hair down -- blech! blech! blech! So totally not working, hats on this thick mess that is my head of hair. (Do you know how many hours it takes for my hair to air dry?!) So either I wear my hair pulled back with the hat . . . or I get a cut. I had decided to keep the mane til spring, winter warmth and all that . . . but now I'm seeing something shorter in these winter hats and getting a little excited about that. I think it would be cute. I think I'm ready to be cute again. The hair served it's purpose maybe. I tried it. I grew hair below my shoulders. No bangs! Hid me for awhile. But now it's time to emerge, return to my usual self. If ever I wanted it back I could get extensions, or buy a wig even. I bet wigs are fun. But that short, just out of bed look is so easy to maintain, so easy to play with colours, I mean seriously I cannot go full blown blonde or bright red or plum or black with this mess, it's just too much, too difficult. If I had a stylist here, I'd go do it today.

Mood: prolific
Drinking: water
Listening To: David Bowie, Modern Love
Hair: thinking about a shampoo

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