Monday, September 19, 2005

New Arrivals

See, I told ya I was busy . . . days might go by without a post. No time to slow down and chat now either, I've got to go to the Irving and pick up a parcel. Earlier I picked up my Sears Outlet parcel and tried everything on. Jeans are low-rider, which is a bit unexpected, but they fit okay. They are comfortable, though I might have been able to go a size smaller and get more wear out of them . . . but this was inexpensive shopping spree so it's okay if they don't last forever. Also got hot pink tee (I KNOW! What kind of good mood was I in that day?), the form fitting stretchy kind, with lycra, not even a big old loose cotton tee. Which I will probably never wear unless it is under the black poncho . . . yes, you heard correctly, I've got a poncho and I'm not afraid to wear it. Also in the grab bag were running shoes and undies (with the undies being the most expensive item of the whole purchase). Fedora coming soon as I find one I love.

Mood: hungry
Drinking: diet gingerale
Listening To: a buzzing razor in the driveway . . . one of the boys might be shaving his head
Hair: tousled

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

poncho in tribute to martha?