Thursday, June 02, 2005

Company Coming

Mom, Sherry and kids are dropping by today. Well hopefully Mom will be coming. They are in Moncton this morning so she can see a specialist . . . there's some concern they might admit her and keep her for awhile. She's not real happy about that, but I think it's a great idea if it helps to get to the bottom of the situation and get her back on the mend. It's only eight bucks to take the bus into Moncton and it goes several times each day, I could visit.

Also have my class this evening, the workshop portion, which should be interesting. Yesterday I got accepted into the Maritime Writers' Workshop at UNB in July. I've applied for financial assistance, a scholarship. I think they only give one per discipline, which means they'll take the one with the most potential who also needs the cash. Being poor won't be enough and I can't go if I don't get the funding . . . so it's still a long shot. We'll see.

Mood: Dozy
Drinking: Coffee
Listening To: Genesis, Paperlate
Hair: Just plain old dirty

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