Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Does Drano kill?

Okay, so I survived my trip to the grocery store . . . next time maybe I will try Save-Easy. How expensive can it really be? And that walk was killer today! Killer!

Anyway, I had so much stuff that I had to cab home. We're driving along Main Street chatting about the weather when all of a sudden this little dog runs right out in front of us. I think it was a puppy with no street sense. The driver jammed on the breaks and swerved, just missing the little bugger. I looked back in the mirror and I could see him running in and out of the street like nothing had happened. If someone didn't take him out of there, I'm sure he didn't live 10 minutes after we drove through.

When we opened the trunk to unpack my groceries we discovered that they had all been upturned and driven forward in the trunk from when he slammed on the brakes. After I got the bags in the house and started putting things away, I noticed that the Drano had leaked . . .

I'm pretty sure it didn't get on any of the food . . . especially not the chicken . . .

I'm living dangerously now! Consuming questionable food products and nobody here with me to call 911. I'll stay close to the phone, just in case.

Mood: Inquisitive
Drinking: Nothing at all
Listening To: Birds and traffic
Hair: the slicked back shiny way-high ponytail

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honest to and your questionable chicken! Is there no end to what you'll do to try and poison yourself?