Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I'm in!

Just got word from the professor at the university and I'm in! She looked at my portfolio and gave me the thumbs up to take her class next year. Thank you Jesus! (Can you see me stretching my hands above my head and looking heavenward?)

No, but seriously, I'm excited about this. This is supposed to be a very highly respected creative writing course, and difficult to get into. My friend says I will learn so much from this professor . . . and since taking this class my friend has published, won contests . . . you get the idea. It certainly can't hurt anything . . . well, except my pocketbook. Oy! Any takers to finance my education?

Mood: Excited
Drinking: Coffee, coffee and more coffee
Listening To: Airplanes, there seem to be a lot overhead today
Hair: Yeesh! Need to do something about that if I'm going to university!

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