Friday, July 29, 2005

Loopy Lou

I can't get over how tired I am. I did sleep last night, for a little while anyway. I've been working on the BnM email list, which has my eyes crossed, can't stop yawning, feel like I'm in a haze . . . almost like I'm drugged. God, I hope I haven't poisoned myself again . . . kidding, haven't consumed anything yet today, let alone poisonous. I have no questionable meat products in the house. Rest easy, I'm trying not to poison myself nearly as much in the future as I have done in the past. Maybe the humidity is high and crushing my will to live.

I took out some ribs, have some southwest sauce . . . can't get up the energy to cook them today. And really how much energy would that take? Like NONE! Still, can't do it. I see nachos and salsa on the horizon, maybe I can get up enough energy to grate some cheddar and do it up all nice on a plate . . . but there's always the bag and the jar. Think I'll open a bottle of that homemade wine Terry sent me, since I have not been to the liquor store and KNOW I'm not going on that journey today. Just the sort of thing you want with salsa though, Terry's merlot blend.

I've got some new dvds that Stacy gave me for my birthday . . . haven't watched a movie in weeks. Oh yeah, I can see it, I'm getting into it now, the perfect recipe for couch crashing. I think it's a splendid idea! Is it too early to slip into some jammies? I think not!

Mood: can't keep my eyes open, yawning, need sugar fix
Drinking: nothing . . . and maybe that's the trouble
Listening To: 54-40, Love You All
Hair: a mess and I don't care

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