Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Rich Man Living In a Poor Man's House

My camera is giving me grief. I went out and bought new batteries . . . but I don't know if I've got them in wrong, they're duds, or the camera is just fucked. I should have just shelled out another hundred bucks and got something a little bit better to begin with. Arghh! This camera has done nothing but give me grief since the day I bought it. I can't get any of my pictures off the thing.

I'm soooo far behind this week I don't feel like I'll ever catch up. I'm wondering now if I remembered to clean out all the drawers in the residence room. Feeling a bit disorientated with so much laundry piled up, the girls coming Friday, going back to the river for the weekend, and all the other crap. Maybe I just need to chill for a few minutes, put on some tunes and breath, make a plan, write it down, and dive in. Yeah, that might work. Some world music and Kid Rock, a plan, that's what I need, I'll be okay.

The Festival By the Marsh is going on this week. Last week too, but I was away and missed everything. They're doing A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Swan Pond tonight and every night for the rest of the week. I should go. It'll be the only thing I get to do in the whole festival. Hot Toddy is at George's Roadhouse on Saturday night but I'll be in Barnettville. I'm looking forward to when the jazz series starts in the fall. There'll be the film society then too. And the wine tasting club. Lot's of fun stuff to look forward to. Well, the washer's stopped so I'm off to continue the insanity of cleaning up this day!

Mood: a little frustrated
Drinking: coffee, cream no sugar
Listening To: Sergio Caputo, Un Sabato Italiano
Hair: frizzed out


Jennifer said...

I don't understand why you're having such problems with your camera. Ours has always worked fine.......Did you ever read the manual? lol.

Go see the play! I want to know how well that young guy did, who we saw rehearsing in the park.

Simply Kel said...

I read the manual, yes! Of course I did! . . . well I skimmed it anyway . . . I read the troubleshooting section. Well, almost all of the troubleshooting section. The part about batteries anyway. I read that page. It shouldn't be this difficult goddammit! Point, click, voila!