Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Spoke too Soon

The spider has moved to the floor . . . and still I can't kill him. I mean I CAN kill him, much easier than on the carpet, but I just don't have the heart for it. I keep walking by and urging him to go hide someplace where I can't see him. So far, no luck. I would like to take him outside somehow . . . but would he be like a "house spider" now? Unable to survive in the wild? Like a cat declawed? Would the bigger badder outside bugs destroy him instantly? And why am I so worried about the fate of this bug. I HATE spiders!! What's wrong with me?


Liz said...

But I'm a spider, and ya like me don't ya?

Simply Kel said...

Aha! And suddenly it all makes sense. I've finally met a spider I really liked and slowly but surely it's changing the way I look at all spiders.